Make Your Financial Program As Unique As You Are
Many financial advisors apply a one-size fits all approach to managing client assets. They develop a few standard plans or programs, and fit you into one of their boxes. But a cookie-cutter approach is never the best way to develop an effective investment portfolio. You and your investment program should represent more than just an account number.
Your portfolio should be carefully aligned with your personal values, circumstances and priorities. It should be designed to meet your individual financial objectives - based on your age, your time horizon, your tolerance for risk and your unique circumstances.
A properly developed financial program can mean the difference between scrambling to have enough money to reach your goals and living a financially comfortable lifestyle, secure in the knowledge that your plan will get you where you want to go.
Nothing can replace a personal relationship with a trusted advisor who truly understands your goals and objectives. As your financial advisor, Roger takes the time to get to know you, your core values and your personal financial goals. He focuses on fewer relationships than many other financial service firms, so he and his team can devote more time and resources to developing a close rapport with you in your reach toward achieving your financial goals.